This is Generon International
Building Cultures That Matter
For over 30 years, Generon International has partnered with individuals, teams, and organizations to co-create thriving cultures where people and business flourish. We collaborate closely with you to develop customized strategies tailored to your unique needs. Rooted in a commitment to a people-centric approach, we believe that prioritizing human connection and fostering an environment where everyone feels valued drives exceptional organizational performance. Our decades of success affirm that meaningful culture is not just built—it’s cultivated for lasting impact.
We Value Culture. . .
. . .And it begins with Leadership
Culture is at the Heart of What We Do
A strong business culture is built on a foundation of a clear vision and mission that unites employees around a shared purpose. Core values guiding behavior and decision-making create consistency and alignment across the organization, with leadership playing a critical role in embodying these values and fostering trust. Open communication promotes transparency and encourages feedback, while psychological safety allows individuals to share ideas and take risks. Collaboration and inclusion leverage diverse perspectives for innovation, and recognition reinforces a positive, motivated environment. Ultimately, culture thrives when these elements are authentically integrated into daily practices, supported by leaders who set an example and a system that aligns values with real actions.

Let’s hear from the team…
“Organizational culture is a dynamic, co-created entity that emerges from shared purpose and vision. Culture is not merely a static set of values—it’s a living process shaped by collective commitment and the unfolding of reality. A meaningful and resilient business culture naturally develops when its leaders develop the capacity to create and shape the future by sensing and responding to emerging possibilities—not through exerting control or authority—but by fostering environments where individuals are empowered to contribute in profound ways.” ~Joseph Jaworski

"Culture as a fundamental value. It embodies the heart and soul of any organization, beginning with leadership. It grows from purpose—a shared understanding of why your company exists—paired with a vision that acts as the unifying force, aligning all stakeholders through a cohesive set of values. When culture is prioritized as a core priority, it nurtures an environment where collaboration, trust, and commitment thrive, empowering each individual to contribute meaningfully. This collective dedication shapes the organization’s identity, setting it apart from competitors, as it bonds employees, reinforcing alignment with shared goals, and fosters trust and loyalty among clients and stakeholders." ~Susan Taylor
“Successful company culture requires strong commitment to leadership, clear and honest values, and open communication with its employees. Employees are the backbone of every company. Their contributions and dedication towards the organization's vision and mission must be valued. ~Erin Taylor
“Culture is like a team: rich in its own set of rules and traditions, influencing the actions of each team member. In order to achieve success, it is crucial for all individuals to unite and function as one. If even a single player prioritizes personal glory and disregards the team's objectives, it disrupts the team's harmony, resulting in a loss of focus on the ultimate goal.” ~Josh Salvo
Now, it's your turn:
What do you think are the essential elements of a strong business culture? What makes company culture truly thrive?
“Trust & Vulnerability are essential, providing a kind of landing strip for bringing fresh, exciting new catapultingly-crazy ideas, “downloaded” from unknown realms into recipient minds and—ultimately—introduced at the office. You have to create a culture where people feel there is an invitation, an expectation to bring the zany, the can’t-believe-I’m-saying-it-out-loud ideas into the room. Folks need to know their “craziness” is wanted—essential actually—and that they can be vulnerable in sharing what spirit has shared with them.”
~Anne Alexander
"Culture eats strategy for breakfast. It is the most significant factor in organizational success, and fundamental in shaping how strategies are executed and sustained.” ~Peter Drucker